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FIFO & Me by Kiara Ellis

FIFO & Me books educate children on FIFO family life and mining

FIFO & Me is a fun rhyming story, written from a child’s perspective, so even the littlest of minds will discover a typical working day of a mine and where their parent lives whilst they work away. Kiara aimed to bring the whole other world of mining to life, through a child’s eyes.

Kiara’s inspiration for the books was drawn from her children, who thought their dad lived at the airport while working away. FIFO & Me books are designed to educate children about mining, written in a simplistic language they can understand.

The books are designed to be as inclusive as possible, with the characters being of multiple ethnicities and genders.

A child reads Fifo and Me while playing with a toy digger

Australian Made childrens books

Kiara had a goal to have the collection as Australian made as possible. We are incredibly proud to have achieved this and more, with the books being authored, illustrated, and printed in Australia.

Its an honor to be supporting other local businesses, with our books proudly displaying the Australian Owned & Made logo - a badge of honor!

Know when you are purchasing one of our books, you are supporting local Australian families.

Australian Made FIFO & Me

Australian Made FIFO & Me: Mum Edition

Setting a new standard: Women in Mining and closing the gender gap

It’s estimated 60,000 people work in the mining sector with 20% of them being women.

More and more women are joining this sector and the FIFO workforce. I felt it’s important to shine a light on women thriving in a heavily dominated male sector. FIFO & Me: Mum edition, intention is to not only celebrate women in mining but to also inspire and empower little girls that they too can work in the mining industry and achieve great things.

Kiara is the first to launch a ‘mum’ FIFO children’s book closing the gender gap and bringing equality to the mining sector one book at a time.

Source: AusIMM Women in Mining